Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Quarter 2 Week 8

Students in K-2 will learn about Christmas y el dia de los Reyes Magos, La Navidad and the three Wise Men or Kings.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Quarter 2 Week 6

Students in grades K-2 will be learning about Las Posadas, a Christmas tradition in Spanish-speaking cultures in Mexico and the southwestern United States. 

Monday, November 18, 2019

Quarter 2 Week 5

Students in grades K-2 will be learning about El dia de Accion de Gracias, Thanksgiving Day.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Quarter 2 Week 4

The students in Kinder and First Grade will be learning the major body parts.

The students in Second Grade use the adverbs primero, despues, and por ultimo to describe a sequence of events.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Quarter 2 Week 3

The students in Kinder and First Grade will be learning how to tell what the weather is like.

The students in Second Grade will learn how to tell time in Spanish.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Quarter 2 Week 2

This week is a cultural studies week. Students in grades K, 1st and 2nd will understand the relationship between the practices, products, and the perspective of Mexican culture by celebrating el Día de los Muertos.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Quarter 2 Week 1

The students in Kinder and First Grade will identify the four seasons, comprehend the question, ¿Cual es la estación? and answer the question using the phrase Es el/la ______. (el invierno, la primavera, el verano o el invierno)

The students in Second Grade will perform addition and subtraction problems in Spanish.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Quarter 1 Week 9

The students in Kinder and First Grade will identify the months of the year in Spanish. They will comprehend the question, ¿Cual es el mes? (What month is it?) and answer the question using the phrase, Es _____. (It is____.)

The students in Second Grade identify the months of the year in Spanish and count up to thirty-one.  They will also comprehend the question, ¿Cual es la fecha? (What’s the date?) and answer the question using the phrase, Hoy es el ______ de ________. (Today is ____.)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Quarter 1 Week 8

The students in Kinder and First Grade will identify the days of the week and what day it is in Spanish.  They will comprehend the question, Que dia es hoy? (What day is it today?) and answer the question using the phrase, Hoy es ____. (Today is ____.)

The students in Second Grade will identify the names of summertime foods in Spanish and share what foods they eat in the summertime.  They will comprehend and ask the question, ¿Que comes en el verano? (What do you eat in the summer?) and answer the question using the phrases, En el verano yo como ___. (In summer I eat ___.)  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Quarter 1 Week 7

The students in Kinder ad First Grade will identify common shapes and provide information about the numbers of sides of each shape using the phrase; Tiene____ lados. (It has ___sides.)

The students in Second Grade will be learning about spring.  They will comprehend the phrase; ¿Que sucede en la primavera? (What happens in spring?) and answer the question using various phrases from the lesson vocabulary.  They will also comprehend the question. ¿Que tiempo hace en la primavera? (What is the weather like in spring?) and answer the question using weather phrases; Hace viento. (It’s windy.) Llueve. (It rains.) Hace fresco. (It’s cool) Hace sol. (It’s sunny.)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Quarter 1 Week 6

The students in Kinder and First Grade will be learning how to count to ten and provide information about how many there are of a given number of objects. They will comprehend the phrase“¿Cuantos hay?”  (How many are there?)  and answer the question using the phrase, “Hay ___?” (There are ___.)

The students in Second Grade will be learning the phrase me gusta (I like) with verb infinitives to talk about activities they like to do in the winter.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Quarter 1 Week 5

The students will be learning about the relationship between the practices, products and perspectives of Mexican culture by celebrating el Dieciseis.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Quarter 1 Week 4

The students in Kinder and First Grade will be learning to identify colors and the question, “¿De que color es?”  (What color is it?)  The students will then answer the question using the following phrase, “Es de color ______.” (It is  ______.)

The students in Second Grade will describe autumn.  The students will use the following sentences to describe autumn:

Otoño es tiempo de cosechar manzanas. (Autumn is time to harvest apples.)
Otoño es tiempo de celebrar el Dia de los Muertos. (Autumn is time to celebrate Day of the Dead.)
En el otoño caen las hojas de muchos colores. (In the fall leaves of many colors fall.)
En el otoño los días se vuelven cortos y frescos. (In the fall the days turn short and cold.)
En el otoño los pájaros viajan al sur. (In the fall birds fly south.)

Monday, August 26, 2019

Quarter 1 Week 3

The students in Kinder and First Grade will be learning the question, "¿Como estas tu?" (How are you?) and answer the question using a word or phrase that expresses how they are feeling; feliz (happy), triste (sad),  cansado or cansada (tired), and enojado or enojada (mad).

The students in Second Grade will be learning to use the verb hay to provide information about their school and the questions: “¿Que hay en la escuela?” (What is at your school?) and “¿Qué no hay en tu escuela?” (What isn’t at your school?) The students will then answer the questions using the following phrases: “En mi escuela hay ____.” (At my school there is/are ____.) and “En mi escuela no hay _____.” (At my school there isn’t/aren’t ____.)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Quarter 1 Week 2

For the first few weeks, the students will continue to practice classroom procedures, behavior expectations, and greetings.  

The students in Kinder and First Grade will be learning the question, "¿Como te llamas tu?" (What is your name?) and answer the question using the phrase, "Me llamo ____."  (My name is___.)

The students in Second Grade will learn and use practical classroom phrases related to appropriate school behavior. The students will also learn to distinguish the differences between feminine and masculine noun endings.